Family concert "Classic for Kids"

Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are famous superstars of classical music. They created masterworks for eternity! Enjoy interesting stories about little Beethoven and lively Amadeus. We perform cool classical music for kids. However, maybe you also have to participate. We look forward to seeing you and your parents, grandparents and siblings..

The concert takes place indoors in the Wallpavillon. Please note that the concert hall in the Wallavillion and the toilets are not barrier-free.

The concert lasts about 60 min including an intermission. The concert hall will be open 30 min before the performance start.

Seating in the hall is free. Every seat is occupied without a gap. We appreciate mutual consideration.

Alle Termine

Klassik für Kids

Klassik für Kids

Klassik für Kids